Environmental Sustainability

Circular Economy The Foundation of Our Business
For the last 20 years, the PureWrx Team has focused on creating programs and partnerships that support the Circular Economy. We support the environmental and sustainability goals of our customers and OEM partners through deep rooted partnership and trust. PureWrx believes that environmental sustainability can be a profitable endeavor, bringing real economic gains as well as social benefit. It has been our experience that programs related to the circular economy, and OEM Certified Pre-Owned™ in particular, offer a unique business model where participants on all sides can make money even as they embrace more altruistic goals. We believe PureWrx is unique in its impact for a greener economy in the IT hardware and services industry.
In addition to its environmental focus, PureWrx is committed to running its own business responsibly, embracing diversity and community involvement for its employees and the company as a whole. For more information on our social responsibility efforts, visit Working at PureWrx.

Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, and Mayor of Austin, Steve Adler, recognized PureWrx for its efforts as the founding sponsor of Reman Day in Texas, April 11, 2019 — on which day, PureWrx also held a successful electronics recycling event.

Remanufacturing Day
Did you know that properly remanufactured products are as good as new products and are also better for your wallet and the environment?
Remanufacturing is a comprehensive and rigorous industrial process by which a previously sold, leased, used, worn, or non-functional product or part is returned to a “like-new” or “better-than new” condition, from both a quality and performance perspective, through a controlled, reproducible, and sustainable process.
In addition to supporting well over 180,000 full-time U.S. jobs. the industry produces more than $45 billion of remanufactured goods per year. Remanufacturing saves, on average, 85% of energy use, 86% of water use, and 85% of material use compared to new goods.
In pursuing this, PureWrx has successfully petitioned The City of Austin to declare April 11th as Reman Day. Our event and others like it around the globe are a way to spread the word about the benefits of remanufacturing, encourage support for the industry, and appreciate those who play an important role in its success.
Reman Day is an annual national event executed at the local level supported by remanufacturers as they host students, teachers, parents, job seekers and other local community members at open houses, plant tours and presentations designed to showcase the economic and environmental benefits of remanufacturing.
In celebration of Reman Day, PureWrx will host an event to promote the value of remanufacturing and draw attention to this critical part of the US economy. For more information on Reman Day, visit http://www.remanday.org/.
OEM-CPO = Environmental Sustainability
Last year we saved over 40 tons of electronic waste from entering global landfills, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation officially recognized the PureWrx OEM-CPO Platform as a major contributor to the Circular Economy.
Buying OEM-CPO from PureWrx minimizes incremental manufacturing, saving raw materials and carbon emissions. Our OEM-CPO platform acts as a reverse cycle —accelerating circular economy initiatives, and filling the sustainability “market gap” for customers.
Did you know?
Each OEM-CPO router/switch ordered prevents 20 pounds of waste from landfills and up to 950 pounds of CO2 from manufacturing.